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Saving browser logs

Most errors that occur in the

The fallback content to display on prerendering
are automatically reported with all required information for fixing them.

There are some, however, that are inaccessible to the

The fallback content to display on prerendering
, for example network errors and errors occurring within the learning materials or external services.

In those cases we might ask you to send us the logs from the Developer Console of your browser. It only contains data for the page you have opened (the

The fallback content to display on prerendering

In this section

  1. Opening the developer console
  2. Enabling relevant tabs
  3. Trigger the issue
  4. Save the logs
  5. Send the logs to Datafisher

Opening the developer console

First, you need to go to the

The fallback content to display on prerendering
, and open the Developer Tools.

It depends on your browser how exactly that is done.

Press CTRL+SHIFT+i (Windows, Linux) or CMD+SHIFT+i (Mac).

Alternatively, you can right click anywhere on the LMS page and select "Inspect".

Or, you can click on three dots icon to open the Chrome menu, and under "More Tools" select "Developer tools".

Enabling relevant tabs

Next, click on the "Console" tab and then on the "Network" tab to make sure they are activated.


Trigger the issue

Next, try to trigger the issue you are having.

For example, if you have a problem that a training does not open, try opening it and wait a few seconds.

Save the logs

Next, save the Console and Network logs from the Developer Tools.

In order to save the Console logs:

  1. open the Console tab,
  2. right click anywhere on the logs,
  3. select "Save as...",
  4. and save the logs into your computer.


In order to save the Network logs:

  1. open the Network tab,
  2. right click anywhere on the logs,
  3. select "Save all as HAR with content",
  4. and save the logs into your computer.


Send the logs to Datafisher

Finally, send the logs as attachments to along with a description of your issue.