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Frequently Asked Questions

How can I delete, block or unblock a user?

Users can be blocked or deleted in the relevant user's profile.

Note that depending on how the LMS has been set up for your company, it might not be possible to do this manually, because the relevant actions should be performed via the company's HR system instead.

How can I change a user’s training completion status to "completed"?

This can be done by creating a manual completion.

How can I change the
The fallback content to display on prerendering
of an employee?

This depends on how the LMS has been set up for your company. In case the employee data comes automatically from the HR system (or similar), the change should be made there.

Otherwise, you can set the user's manager in their profile page by setting the manager_uid field (or manager_email field in case employee IDs are not used).

How can I change the email address of a user?

This depends on how the LMS has been set up for your company. In case the employee data comes automatically from the HR system (or similar), the change should be made there.

Otherwise, you can set the user's email in their profile page.