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Needing Attention


On this page, a table of checklists that require your attention, which includes a list of all checklists that are not signed off yet by the trainer,

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and/or if a checklist is visible to a
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The table of checklists is divided into 5 columns:

Name – the name/title of the checklist.

Assigned – the trainee’s name.

Trainee signed – this shows if the trainee has signed off that they have completed the checklist. This can be done only after the

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completes all the tasks in that checklist and after the trainer has also approved that the
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has done all the tasks.

Manager signed – this shows if the

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has approved the checklist. This can be done only after the
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has signed off on the checklist, by filling the sign off date field that appears at the end of the trainee’s checklist in the user portal. On the same page the
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has the possibility to add comments.

Visible to user - this indicates if the

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can already see the checklist in the
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or not.