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Checklist Templates

Navigate: Guided Training > Checklists Templates


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page contains a list with all the
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that have been created by you and/or by other admins or
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. On this page you can choose a
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from the list, to use as a template, edit an existing one, or create a new one.


Create a New Checklist

In the right upper corner of the

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page, click the + button. A new page will appear with different fields to fill in to create a
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. There are different sections of information: General Information, Tasks (items), Additional Languages, and Options.

General Information

In the General information section, there are three information fields: name, assign checklist, and category.


To add the Assign Checklist field, click the assign button on the top left side of the page.

First, fill in the name of the new

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. Below the name, use the Assign Checklist drop-down menu to assign the
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to a member of your team. Under Assign Checklist is the category menu. Choose a category from the drop-down menu, which contains all the categories that have already been created. Use categories to determine what the
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is about or which department it belongs to. Learn more about categories and how to add them in the Categories section.



The Assign Checklist drop-down menu only appears if you have a team, meaning you have access to the

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Tasks - items


In the Tasks (items) section, you can add tasks to the

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and assign trainers to each task. In the task section, you will see 3 different columns: actions, name, and
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Adding Tasks

In the Name column, type the name of the task you wish to add to the

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Next, in the default trainer column, choose the name of the trainer that is responsible for training the assigned users (

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) for that task. To find a trainer’s name, you must type a minimum of 3 letters of the trainer’s first or last name in the search field. A list of possible matches will show, find the correct trainer and click the name to add it as the designated trainer. Each task should have an assigned trainer, even if it is the same trainer.



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can only be approved when completed if each task has an assigned trainer.

To save the task, click the checkmark icon in the Actions column to the left of the task. After saving the task, another row will appear below where you can add the next task to the

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. Follow the same steps as above to add the name, trainer, and save each task.

Another way to add a new task is by clicking the plus, +, button located to the right of the Task (items) list. You can add the name, assigned trainer, and save the task in the same way as above.

Editing and Deleting Tasks

To edit a task in the

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, click on the pencil icon located in the Actions column to the right of the task you wish to edit. It will allow you to edit the name and assigned trainer. After finishing editing the task, click the checkmark icon to save.

To delete a task, click on the trash bin icon located in the Actions column to the right of the task you wish to delete. Alternatively, while editing the task, click on the X icon in the same location in the Actions column.

Additional Languages


In the Additional Language section on the Checklist Template page, you can select the languages for the

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. If no language is selected, the default language will be English. If you want to add additional languages, check the boxes with the languages you want the
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to be translated into. The
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will be made available in selected languages, if the languages are available.


There might be a slight delay in the translation if the task or

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has not been added before.



In the options section, there are additional options for the

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, such as sharing the
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with specific or all
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and saving it as a template.

To share the

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with all managers, tick the box next to Make available to all managers. This will allow the
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to be visible for all
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, both now and in the future.

To allow only specific

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to see the
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, use the search field under Make available to.... Start typing the name of the
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, at least three letters of their first or last name, and select the name from the list of matches. Repeat for each manager you wish to add. Click the X button next to each manager’s name to make the checklist no longer visible for that manager or click the X button at the far right of the search field to clear all
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To save the

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you created, click save at the bottom of the page.

Once you save the
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, it will be added to the
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and cannot be erased. However, checklists can always be edited.

Editing Checklists

To edit a template, go to

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and click on the name of the
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you wish to edit.

When editing an existing

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, a new option will appear right above the save button at the end of the page, where you can choose to either:

  • Save as a new active version of the current template.
  • Save as a new template.


By saving the checklist as an active version, the current

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will be edited under the same name. Saving it as a new template will save it as a new
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, with the original
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still intact and available.

Assigning a Checklist

To assign a user to a

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, go to
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, and you will see a list of all current checklists.


In the

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list, in the Actions column, you will see a blue Assign button. Click on the assign button for the checklist you want to assign to a user. You will be redirected to the Checklist Assignment page.

If you don’t see an assign button, make sure you are a

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in the system.

On the Checklist Assignment page, in the general information window, you will see an Assign to field, and a drop-down menu. Click on the drop-down to choose a user from the list of all users that are in your team.


If you don’t see the user you want to assign to the

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in the menu, start typing the name of the user and click on the correct user. You can choose only one user at a time.

After selecting all users to assign the

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, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the "Save" button.

After assigning the

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, each user will receive an email notification no later than an hour after being assigned, with the message subject:

A checklist has been assigned to you.

And on the email body:

Dear [full name]

You have been assigned the checklist [checklist’s name] by [manager’s name]

Best regards, Your eLearning team.

To check all the checklists that have been assigned to

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, click on "Assigned checklists" found at the navigation bar on the left, under
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and the trainer will also receive an email with the list of all the
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they need to approve or
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on. Learn more in the Needing Attention section.