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Simple reports

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The simple mode of My Organization is where you can review simple reports of a training's user completions of everyone working under you.

In this section

  • Training and target group – choose a training and target group users for the report.
  • Organization view – review a pie chart report of the user completion data of the training you selected, divided by divisions.
    • Group Leadership Team – review a report of the user completion data of the training you selected, with the name of the division, manager, and completion rate.
    • Remind the incomplete – send an email reminder to remind the incomplete users to complete the training.

Training and target group

  1. Under "Training and target group" click on the select window and select the content on which the report will be.

    After selecting the training, the general information of the training will be added to the view. You can use "Show less" or "Show more" buttons to see all the general information of the training, or minimize it.


    In the simple mode, you can select only one content at a time for the report. If you want to have multiple or all contents report, you can do it from the advanced mode.

  2. Mark if you want this report to include the data results of both managers and non managers, or only managers.

  3. Mark if you want this report to include only expired completions and upcoming expirations. (choose the amount of days for the upcoming expirations)

Organization view

Under "Organization view" you can review a pie chart report of the user completion data, divided by divisions/departments of the company. For each division, there are colors indicating the completion percentage of it. (white - no data available, red - 0%, yellow - 50%, green - 100%)

Group Leadership Team

Under "Group Leadership Team" you can review the total completion rate, and the completion rate per department.

Next to the "Group Leadership Team" title, if you chose to see only the expired completions and upcoming expirations, you will see the total number of "expiring" (upcoming expirations), and "expired" (has already expired):


If you didn't mark the option to show only expired and expiring completions, you will see next to the "Group Leadership Team" title the completion rate, the total number of "completed" (active user completions), and "assigned" (users assigned to the selected training):


Under "Group Leadership Team" there is a chart with three data columns: Name, Manager and Completion rate.

Under "Name" column there are the names of the departments/users, Under "Manager" there is the manager of the department/users, and under "Completion rate" there is the completion rate per department.

Remind the incomplete

Click on "Remind the incomplete" button in the lower right corner, to send a reminder to complete this training to all incomplete users.