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Getting Started

The Datafisher

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is a platform used to provide and manage trainings.

As a

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, you have the access and the responsibility to track and manage your team members' work progress.

The manager view of the

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provides managers different tools to keep track on training progresses. It consists of My Direct Reports, My Organization, and Guided Training.



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has different access permissions for different manager roles and the interface is adjusted accordingly. Some features, like My Organization or Guided Training may also be unavailable for your company.

In this section


Navigate through the different manager features using the left sidebar or the links below.

My Direct Reports

My Direct Reports allows you to manage the people directly reporting to you, evaluate their performance, keep track on whether all mandatory trainings have been taken, approve their training requests, etc.

  • Getting started – get started with My Direct Reports.
  • Needing Attention – review the Needing Attention trainings (waiting for approval, expired completions, not started, etc.)
  • Delegate Permissions – delegate your permissions to others, so they will be able to access and approve completions/event enrollments of your team members (e.g. when you are on vacation.)

My Organization

While My Direct Reports provides you access only to your own team, My Organization provides you access to review everyone working under you. Keep track on the completion rates of different trainings and on the mandatory training completions that are about to expire.

  • Getting started – get started with My Organization.
  • Delegate Permissions – delegate your permissions to others, so they will be able to access the same reports as you do.

Guided Training

Guided training is a type of learning that provides learners with structured support and guidance as they work through a learning activity. In the LMS this has been implemented via

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  • Getting started – get started with
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  • Checklist templates – create a
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    with the
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    that a user must complete, and assign it to the user.
  • Assigned checklists – review assigned checklists progress and approve (sign off) a checklist once it is completed.
  • Checklists needing attention – review the checklists that require your attention (not signed off yet, visible to user, etc.)

Your user profile

  • User profile – Overview of user profile and authentication.