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The assignment/filtering interface is used to search users and define target groups across the LMS, for example in content assignment, defining user groups, and messaging workflow target groups.

In this section

Filter by rule

Each user has certain common attributes like:

  • name
  • email address
  • employee ID
  • language

and may have many company-specific ones:

  • country
  • company name
  • business unit
  • division
  • job title
  • etc.

Most of them can be used when building rules to filter users.

For example, one could assign a content to all users in Finland.

There are two interfaces for building the rules: the simple interface, and the advanced interface.

Simple interface

This interface provides a simple or-and style filtering.


Use the dropdown fields to filter to select the relevant values.

For example: click on dropdown "country" and choose "Finland" - then this report, will contain the data only for users from Finland. (see screenshot below)

Multiple filters can be selected, for example, you can select that the report should contain data of users from Finland and Sweden (by using the country dropdown), and only white collar (by using the collar dropdown), and only from a specific company (by using the company dropdown), etc.

Under "Filter by rule" you can add additional filters by rule to your target group, click on the "More" button to see all the filter fields that you can use.

To clear filters (your selections), click on "Clear filters" in the right upper corner to clear all at once, or on the x icon next to the filter value to remove one at a time.

In the example above, "Division" and "Country" fields were used, you can see that those filters were added to the view, and that "Division" is any of "Datafisher" and "IT", and Country is any of "Finland". You can add as many filters as you want, and remove them either one by one, by clicking on the x icon, or remove all the filters at once by clicking on clear filters in the right upper corner.


Once you choose the additional filters you want to apply on your target group, don't forget to click on the "Save" button where relevant.

Advanced interface

If you click on "Advanced mode" in the right upper corner, you will be able to use more advanced filtering rules, for example filter out people from certain countries by choosing the countries from the country dropdown, and using the “Not” rule.




  • By clicking on "Simple mode" in the right upper corner you will return to the regular "Filter by rule" mode.

  • Use "Drag here to delete" to remove advanced filters one by one, by dragging them into the box. To remove all the advanced filters at once, click on "Clear filters" in the right upper corner.

  • By clicking on "Clean & Optimize" the advanced filters that you choose will be visually organized, and the unnecessary one's (duplicates or will return no values) will be removed.

In the advanced mode, you can apply the following conditions on the rules you select:

  • AND:


AND will filter the target group to be only users who meet each one of the conditions. (e.g. users that have both "Collar: blue" and "Country: Finland" and "Division: Datafisher". All three conditions must be true in order for a user to be included in this target group.)

  • OR:


OR will filter the target group to be only users who meet at least one of the conditions. (e.g. users that have "Collar: blue" or "Country: Finland" or "Division: Datafisher". At least one of those three conditions must be true in order for a user to be included in this target group.)

  • NOT(AND):


NOT(AND) will filter the target group to be only users who meet each one of the conditions. (e.g. users that are not with "Collar: blue" and are not in "Country: Finland" and are not in "Division: Datafisher". All three conditions must be true in order for a user to be included in this target group.)

  • NOT(OR):


NOT(OR) will filter the target group to be only users who meet at least one of the conditions. (e.g. users that are not with "Collar: blue" or are not in "Country: Finland" or are not in "Division: Datafisher". At least one of those three conditions must be true in order for a user to be included in this target group.)

  • NOT:


NOT will filter the target group to be only users that are not in the selected filter. (e.g. users that are not in "Country: Finland". This condition must be true in order for a user to be included in this target group.)


Once you choose the advanced filters you want to apply on your target group, don't forget to click the save button.

Manual filtering


Coming soon!

Under "Manual filtering" you can add users to the target group by searching or pasting the user(s) name, email or employee ID and click on the "Filter" button.

Under "Manually filtered" you can review or download a list of all the users that you added manually to the target group.