Here you can find detailed instructions of toolbars in the
In this section:
Message HTML content toolbar
Bold text:
for bold text, highlight your text and click the "B" symbol. You can make single word bold, or you can make a whole sentence bold for extra emphasis.
Italicized text:
to italicize text, highlight your text and select the "I" symbol. This is what italicized text looks like._
Underlined text:
to underline text, highlight your text and click the "U" symbol. You do not want to underline any text or heading that is not a link. Underlined text that is not a link can be confusing to users.
Heading style H1:
heading 1 (H1) style, is usually for the main topic header.
Heading style H2:
heading 2 (H2) style, is usually for the second main topic header.
Numbered list:
this is the styling for a numbered list.
Bulleted list:
this is the styling for a bulleted list.
Adding link to text:
to link your text, highlight your text and click the link icon to insert the link.
Add button to text:
to add button to your text, highlight your text and click the add button icon.
Content description toolbar
Click on normal/the arrow next to it to choose between a normal size text or heading 4 text.
Undo text changes:
Highlight the text and click the undo changes icon.