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Assigned Checklists

Navigate: Guided Training > Assigned checklists

In this tab under

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you will see a list of all the
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that have been assigned in the past, arranged by date created.


Each row on this list has 6 fields:


Name – the title of the checklist.

Assigned – the

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that have been assigned the
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- who made the
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Trainee signed – this shows if the

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has signed that they have completed the
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. After a trainee has stated that they have completed all the tasks, the
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will be sent to the
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Manager signed – this shows if the

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responsible for this checklist has approved that the
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has completed the
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Created – the date the

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was assigned to the
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When all items in a

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are completed, the assigned trainer for the tasks can
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on the
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that the
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has completed the tasks, and only then the
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will be able to approve the
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A manager can only approve the checklists that were assigned by themselves.

If a

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you recently assigned to a
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is not on the list of assigned
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, check that all tasks in that
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have an assigned trainer.

When assigning a

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to a user, they will automatically receive an email notification with a link to the
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in the
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. All
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assigned to a
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are located and can be found by the
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in the User portal, on My Page, under the Assigned section.

User Instructions after Assigning them Checklists

The following instructions are directed at users, or your team members, after you assign them a

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Dear Trainee

To view the checklists you are assigned to, go to the user portal and, in the top navigation bar, click "My page". Under the "Assigned" category or section, you should see all assigned content and checklists in order of assignment date from left to right.


You can click on the right, left or down arrows, found to the (right) of the "Assigned" bar, to view more

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The fallback content to display on prerendering

Click on the

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you wish to complete.

A page with the checklist’s details will open. This page is divided into 5 parts:

  • The checklist name and your name:


    Checklist name of checklist for last name of the trainee, first name of the trainee

  • Tasks


    a table that contains a list of tasks that need to be done for that

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    . Each task shows the name of the task, the trainer that should train you, the training date and the place where you can
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    that you and the trainer have completed each task.

  • Trainee comments and

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    an input box for you, as the

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    , to add comments that the
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    will be able to see, a skills
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    box with a drop-down list and a box for the
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    The fallback content to display on prerendering
    once all the items in the
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    are completed by the
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    and approved by the trainer.

  • Manager comments and

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    where you can view the manager’s comments and if the

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    approved the
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  • Save Button

    A Save Button to completed the changes.


Trainers cannot view

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and trainee's comments!