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Assigned Checklists

Navigate: Guided Training > Assigned checklists

On this page, you can review a list of

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assigned to individuals and track their progress.

Once all

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(tasks) in a checklist have been completed by the trainee and approved by the checklist trainer (if defined), the manager who created the assignment can approve (sign off) the checklist.

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can review and track only checklists they have assigned.
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' access to review assigned checklists depends on their
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In this section

  • List of assigned checklists - review the checklists assigned to individuals
  • Assigned checklist - review the progress of an assigned checklist, edit its details, and sign off (manager's responsibility) once all items are completed

List of assigned checklists

The assigned checklists are presented in a standard table. From this table, you can review the progress of the assigned checklists, as well as copy or assign a checklist to your subordinate.


  • Actions
  • Name – the name of the assigned checklist
  • Status - completion status of the assigned checklist
  • Assigned to - the
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    to whom the
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    has been assigned
  • Assigned by - the
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    who made the assignment
  • Created - the date when the
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    was assigned to the
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  • Categories - selected category of the assigned
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Filters and actions

Assigned checklist

Navigate: Guided Training > Assigned checklists > Select assigned checklist

On the assigned checklist page, you can manage the general information and

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of the checklist, and track its progress.

At the top of the page, you can view the statistics dashboard and perform actions such as copying, assigning, or deleting the checklist.


  • Total items - the current number of
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    (tasks) in the assigned checklist.
  • Completed items - the percentage of completed
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    (tasks) in this assigned checklist.
  • Approved items - the percentage of approved
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    (tasks) in this assigned checklist.
  • Visible to assignee - indicates whether the checklist is visible to the trainee.

This tab is divided into the following sections:


  • Name: Review or edit the name of this assigned checklist.
  • Category: Review or edit the category of this assigned checklist.
  • Checklist is ready to use, make it visible to the assignee: By default, after a manager assigns a checklist to their subordinate, the checklist is not visible to the assignee. To make it visible, tick this box.
  • Archive checklist: Tick this box to archive this assigned checklist. Archived checklists are not visible to learners on the
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    , and are hidden by default in the
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Review or edit the content owner and business owner (both are optional fields) of this assigned checklist. If defined, this information is visible to the assignee on the checklist page in the

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About the process


As a

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, after you assign a checklist to your employee, it's your responsibility to make the
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available to the trainee when it is ready to be taken. You can do that by ticking the "Checklist is ready to use, make it visible to the assignee" box in the assigned checklist general tab.

After making it available, the trainee receives an email notification informing them that they have been assigned to complete this checklist, with a direct link to it.

You can track the progress of the checklists assigned by you by visiting the assigned checklists page and selecting the checklist for review. From there, you can monitor the statistics and progress of the checklist items. Once all items are completed by the trainee and approved by the trainer (if required), the trainee signs off on the checklist and sends it for your final approval. You can approve the checklist from the 'Signoff' tab on the assigned checklist page.

Managers receive bi-weekly emails with links to the

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for pending approvals. You can also check for checklists needing your attention by logging into your admin account and navigating to the Guided Training > Needing Attention tab.


Managers can only approve checklists that were assigned by them.

Checklist trainer

Any user who can log in to the Datafisher

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can be designated as a trainer for a task in a checklist.

Once you are set as a trainer of a task by either the manager or the trainee, you can access the task information from the

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. Checklist trainers automatically gain access to the tasks assigned to them via the
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, where they can review the task details.

If a task requires the trainer's approval to be marked as completed, the process is as follows:

  1. The trainee marks the task as completed on the checklist page in the
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  2. The trainer receives an email notification with a direct link to approve the item in the
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Trainers also receive daily notifications regarding unapproved items.


After being assigned a checklist by your

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, you will receive an email notification with a direct link to the checklist on the
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. Alternatively, you can access it by logging into your user account and navigating to "My Page" -> "Mandatory".

The checklist is mandatory, and you need to complete all its items, and have them approved where relevant.

Once all tasks are completed and approved where relevant, you need to rate your skills, possibly leave a comment, and sign off on the checklist to submit it for your manager's final approval.