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Checklist Templates

Navigate: Guided Training > Checklist Templates


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templates page contains a list of the templates created by you, other
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, or
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On this page,

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The fallback content to display on prerendering
can create new checklist templates or copy and edit existing ones.
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can then select a
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template from the list and assign it to their subordinates.

In this section

List existing checklists

The existing

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templates are presented in a standard table. You can review these templates, copy and edit them, create new ones, or assign a
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to your subordinate.


  • Actions:
  • Name - name of the
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  • Created by - full name of the
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  • Created - date of creation
  • Categories - selected category of the
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Filters and actions

Copy checklist

If you want to use a

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template as a starting point, create a copy of an existing one and modify it as needed.

To copy a

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template, click the copy icon next to the checklist name in the checklists table:


Alternatively, click the copy button located at the upper right corner of the checklist page you want to copy:


After copying the checklist, you will be redirected to a "Copy checklist template" page where you need to enter a new name for this copied version and fill out the same information fields as when creating a new template. Click "Create" to create this copied version as a new template.

After creation, you will be redirected to the copied checklist template page, where you can edit and add items (tasks) as needed.

Editing the copied checklist will not affect the original checklist template from which it was copied. The copied checklist is now an independent template that can be copied, edited, or assigned. You can find it in the checklist templates table.

Create a new checklist

To create a new

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template, click the "Add" button in the upper right corner of the checklist templates page, and fill in the following details:


  • Name: Choose a descriptive name for the
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    that indicates its purpose or audience.
  • Category: Select a category from the existing categories listed in the drop-down menu to classify the checklist.
  • Permission labels: Choose the relevant
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    for this
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  • Content owner (Optional): Select the content owner of the
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    . If defined, this information will be visible to learners in the
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    on the checklist page, and they can contact this person regarding any questions about the
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  • Business owner (Optional): Select the business owner of the
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    . If defined, this information will also be visible from the
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    on the checklist page.

Click "Create" to create the template, and you will be redirected to the new checklist template page where you can add items (tasks) to the checklist.

Checklist template page

On this page, you can manage the

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template information and its
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At the top of the page, you can review the number of items currently in the checklist and perform actions such as copying, assigning, or deleting the checklist:


This page is divided into two tabs: General and Items (see below).

This tab is divided into the following sections:


Review or edit the general information of the checklist template.

  • Archive checklist template: Check this box to archive the checklist template. Archived templates are hidden by default in the
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    . Archiving the template will not affect checklists that have been copied or assigned from this checklist template.


Review or edit the owners of the checklist template.


  • Make available to all managers: Check this box to grant all current and future
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    access to this
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    template. They will be able to view, copy, and assign it to their subordinates.
  • Make available to:
    • If you want to restrict access to specific
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      , select them individually by entering their email, UID, or name. Click the 'X' button next to each manager's name to remove access, or click the 'X' button at the right of the search window to clear access for all managers.

Edit checklist

To edit a

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template, navigate to the checklist templates page and click on the name of the
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you want to edit. After clicking on the checklist, you will be redirected to the checklist page where you can edit the checklist information and
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Keep in mind that editing a checklist template and saving the changes will permanently update this template version. If you prefer to preserve the original version, consider creating a copy and making the changes to the copy instead.

Assign checklist


Only managers can assign checklists, and only to their subordinates (people working directly under them).

To assign a copy of the

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to your subordinate, click the assign icon next to the checklist name in the checklists table:


Alternatively, you can click the assign button located at the upper right corner of the checklist page you wish to assign:


After clicking "assign", you will be redirected to the "Assign checklist" page where you can edit the checklist´s name, category, and owners, and select the person to assign it to.

Editing the checklist information on the "Assign checklist" page does not affect the original checklist from which it was assigned. These changes only apply to the new assigned checklist version created upon clicking "Create".

Once the assignment is created, you will be redirected to the assigned checklist page where you can edit, review, and track the assigned checklist's information,

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, and progress. You can find the assigned checklists in the assigned checklists table.