Equivalent contents
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Equivalent trainings are a collection of contents that are considered equivalent. As long as one of the trainings has a valid completion, the equivalent trainings content is marked as completed, too, for the relevant users.
An equivalent trainings content is only relevant for the people it has been assigned to. For example, if you assign it to everyone in Finland, sessions will be created only for people in Finland (when relevant), but not for people elsewhere, even though they might have valid completions for the equivalent contents. Once assignment is removed, the already created sessions are not removed.
Unlike Learning Paths where modules are automatically made accessible to users, the equivalent contents must be explicitly assigned to users for them to become visible in the Learn Portal.
An equivalent trainings content cannot be set as manually completed or have completions expire.
The completions will automatically expire when none of the completions for the equivalent trainings are not valid anymore.
In this section:
- List or edit - List or edit the trainings in equivalent contents
List or edit
Under the Equivalent contents tab, you can view, delete, or add more trainings to the equivalent contents course.