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Navigate: Content > Search Content or + Icon > Events


This tab is only visible for events, not for learning paths or single

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Once you create an event, use this tab to define and set all the details of the event. Events appear in the User Portal Event Calendar and the information that is visible is marked with an eye icon.

You can preview your event while creating it by clicking the link on the top right corner of the page, which will lead to the User Portal Event Page.

First enter the name of the event in the Name field, and then tick if the event is either an

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or a
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(in person) event. The relevant options will appear once this selection is made.

Remember to click Save at the bottom of the page after you have made your changes.

If you have already created an event and want to see the list of

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Online Events

Add details for the

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and click the Save button at the end of the page.

Location Name

This is where you define if the software you are using for your event, e.g. Teams.

Start and End Time

Choose the date when your event is going to take place by clicking on the field and selecting the date from the calendar. When you choose the start date the system automatically selects the same date for the end date. After choosing the date, click the field to the right to select the start time and end time of the event.

Time Zone

For informing international

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it is good to add the time zone your event is held in, and what time the event is set so they can adjust the time to their own to their own. Choose the relevant time zone from the drop-down menu.

Additional Information for Participants

This field is meant for giving a description of the event for the attendees. Write the relevant information such as

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information, details about the
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of the event, or a description of the subject and who is the event is meant for. This helps
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recognize the relevant events for their expertise.

If you want to collect feedback from the event after it with an online form, you can insert the link to the form on this field.


Enter the name of who is going to be the trainer or lead of this event or

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. Click on the search field and start typing the name or e-mail of the trainer and select the correct name in the list that appears.

If the trainer is not already added, click on "add new trainer" at the bottom of the list of search results. A pop-up will appear, and you can add their information and contact details. Click Save to finish creating the new trainer.

Contact person

Enter the name of who is the main contact person or person to contact if any questions arise for the

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or event. Click on the search field and start typing the name or e-mail of the contact and select the correct name in the list that appears.

If the contact person is not already in the system, contact support if you do not have access to add a

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Total Cost

You can use this field to put the total cost of the event for each participant. This field is not visible in the

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. Insert the amount by writing or using the arrow selector tool on the field next to the currency. The currency is changeable and can be selected by hovering your mouse over the field which reveals the drop-down menu for them. If you want, you can first delete the default currency by clicking the x next to it.

Minimum Number of Participants

If the event needs to have a minimum number of

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to happen, enter the number here. This is helpful for budgeting, for example if there is a cost for the event and it needs to be covered by a certain number of
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, and therefore it can easily be seen if the event should be
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or postponed until more
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Maximum Number of Participants

Here you can define the maximum number of

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for the event, in case there are limitations on the event space, for example. After the event is full, those interested are put on a
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Enrollment Closes (Before Event)

Here you can define the time and date when

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can no longer sign-up or enroll for the event. You can choose between hours, days, or months. This can be selected from the drop-down menu.

Cancellation Closes (Before Event)

Here you can define the time when it is possible for the

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still to cancel their
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before the event themselves. You can choose between hours, days, or months. This can be selected from the drop-down menu.

Cancelled if Not Enough Participants (Before Event)

If the event must have a minimum number of

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to happen, you can define when the event is automatically canceled if the minimum is not met. You can select from hours, days, or months from the event start time.

Time to Accept Enrollment When in
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If a user has been on the wait list for the event, and if a spot opens to enroll, this the amount of time they must enroll in the event before the spot goes to the next on the waitlist. This is convenient in cases where the user has been waiting for a long time before the event, and might have already made other possible engagements, so they get a chance to review their options or availability, or if there are several people on the waitlist.

Enrollment Requires
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By choosing this option the enrollment of a user for this event is shown first in their manager’s Manager View, so they can approve the attendance. This is convenient in cases of certain types of expertise training or if an event has a cost that needs to be approved.


If you want the event to be visible in the

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’s Event calendar, tick this box.

After you have made the relevant changes click the Save button, and the event appears on the Events list under the Events tab in the left navigation menu under

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Classroom Events

If your event takes place onsite at a physical location, add details for the

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event and click the Save button at the end of the page.

Search Existing Locations

If you know that the location for your event is already in the system, you can choose it from the drop-down menu here. If not, fill out the location details in the fields below.

Location name

Here you give the name of the location where the event will be held, such as the name of the company, a mill, a building, or another location.


Give here the street address for the event location.


If the event takes place in a certain office, a class or, or conference room, write the room number or specific name of the room here.


Write down the city or town the event takes place in.

Region or State

Write down the region or state that the event takes place in.


Write down the country for the location the event takes place in.

Start and End Time

Choose the date when your event is going to take place by clicking on the field and selecting the date from the calendar. When you choose the start date the system automatically selects the same date for the end date. After choosing the date, click the field to the right to select the start time and end time of the event.

Time Zone

For informing international users it is good to add the time zone your event is held in, and what time the event is set so they can adjust the time to their own to their own. Choose the relevant time zone from the drop-down menu.

Additional Information for Participants

This field is meant for giving a description of the event for the attendees. Write the relevant information such as

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information, details about the
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of the event, or a description of the subject and who is the event is meant for. This helps
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recognize the relevant events for their expertise.

If you want to collect feedback from the event after it with an online form, you can insert the link to the form on this field.


Enter the name of who is going to be the trainer or lead of this event or

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. Click on the search field and start typing the name or e-mail of the trainer and select the correct name in the list that appears.

If the trainer is not already added, click on "add new trainer" at the bottom of the list of search results. A pop-up will appear, and you can add their information and contact details. Click Save to finish creating the new trainer.

Contact person

Enter the name of who is the main contact person or person to contact if any questions arise for the

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or event. Click on the search field and start typing the name or e-mail of the contact and select the correct name in the list that appears.

Total Cost

You can use this field to put the total cost of the event for each participant. This field is not visible in the

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. Insert the amount by writing or using the arrow selector tool on the field next to the currency. The currency is changeable and can be selected by hovering your mouse over the field which reveals the drop-down menu for them. If you want, you can first delete the default currency by clicking the x next to it.

Minimum Number of Participants

If the event needs to have a minimum number of

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to happen, enter the number here. This is helpful for budgeting, for example if there is a cost for the event and it needs to be covered by a certain number of
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, and therefore it can easily be seen if the event should be
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or postponed until more
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Maximum Number of Participants

Here you can define the maximum number of

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for the event, in case there are limitations on the event space, for example. After the event is full, those interested are put on a
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Enrollment Closes (Before Event)

Here you can define the time and date when

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can no longer sign-up or enroll for the event. You can choose between hours, days, or months. This can be selected from the drop-down menu.

Cancellation Closes (Before Event)

Here you can define the time when it is possible for the

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still to cancel their
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before the event themselves. You can choose between hours, days, or months. This can be selected from the drop-down menu.

Cancelled if Not Enough Participants (Before Event)

If the event must have a minimum number of

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to happen, you can define when the event is automatically canceled if the minimum is not met. You can select from hours, days, or months from the event start time.

Time to Accept Enrollment When in Waiting List

If a user has been on the wait list for the event, and if a spot opens to enroll, this the amount of time they must enroll in the event before the spot goes to the next on the waitlist. This is convenient in cases where the

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has been waiting for a long time before the event, and might have already made other possible engagements, so they get a chance to review their options or availability, or if there are several people on the waitlist.

Enrollment Requires
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By choosing this option the enrollment of a

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for this event is shown first in their manager’s Manager View, so they can approve the attendance. This is convenient in cases of certain types of expertise training or if an event has a cost that needs to be approved.


If you want the event to be visible in the

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’s Event calendar, tick this box.

After you have made the relevant changes click the Save button, and the event appears on the Events list under the Events tab in the left navigation menu under Content.

Event notifications

Various notifications are sent by the events system:

Event registration notificationSent to users after they have enrolled to an event or its waiting list
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Event registration cancelledSent to users after their enrollment has been cancelled
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Event enrollment offerSent to users whenever a spot to an event is available asking them to confirm or reject the offer
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Event modification notificationSent to users enrolled to an event whenever its important data has been modified5min after modification, or 1min when it's made less than 30min before event start
Event about to start notificationSent to users enrolled to an event 30min before it is about to start and includes any private information for participants
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Event cancellation notification (*)Sent to users after an event they were enrolled to was cancelled
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Event feedback notificationSent to users at the end of the day asking them to provide feedback about an event they attended
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Event quiz invitationSent to users who have participated in an event, but the training has a potentially mandatory quiz they must complete
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Event waiting list notificationSent to users after they have enrolled to the global waiting list of an event
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Event unmarked attendance notificationSent
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to trainers and content owners,
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after the event ended to trainers, and 3
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after the event ended to content owners
See description
Manager event participant failure notificationSent to managers whenever their team member cancels an enrollment they had previously approved
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No notifications are sent neither for events that

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nor for
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(*) Except for the event cancellation notification, no notifications are also sent when the event has been cancelled.


The schedule defines when the relevant condition is checked for.

This means that if you, for example, cancel an enrollment and then cancel or

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the event, the enrollment cancellation notification would not be sent, because when the
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schedule that would send the notification is reached, it is found that the event is not relevant any more.

Instead, you should just cancel the event: all enrolled users will be notified and no-one is able to enroll to the event any more.