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Getting Started

The Datafisher

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is a platform used to provide and manage trainings.

As an

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, you have different access permissions, allowing you to manage users, trainings, and other entities in the LMS.


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provides admins with different managing tools. It consists of Home, Content, Quizzes, Reports, Users, Messaging, Guided Training, and Categories. If you are a
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, you might also be able to access the manager features.



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has different access permissions for different administrator roles and the interface is adjusted accordingly. Some features may also be unavailable for your company.

In this section


Navigate through the different administrator features using the left sidebar or the links below.


Administrators Home page consists of a dashboard that contains users and contents activity of the passed 30/60/90 days, latest added contents and most popular contents.


Content is where you can create and manage different types of trainings, and assign them to users as mandatory, recommended, or optional. It has a dashboard with a snapshot of

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and contents visited.

  • Getting started – get started with
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  • List – list existing contents.
  • Add and Edit – add a new training or edit an existing training.
  • Events – view a list of current events, and all events that you have access to. Click on an event to see enrolled users, waiting list, etc.
  • Comments – view all comments and ratings left for trainings by the learners.
  • Manual completions – manual completions allow adding completions in bulk for trainings that were completed outside the LMS.
  • Needing attention – here you can find trainings that require attention.


Quizzes are customized assessments or feedback surveys that learners can (or must) take after completing a training.


Reports provide insights into the results of a training. You can create reports by selecting a training and all the details you want to be included in the report. Reports can be saved and scheduled to be send to an email address on a regular basis.

  • Getting started – get started with Reports.
  • Simple reports – view or download a report of a content (simplified interface).
  • Advanced reports – view or download a report of a content (advanced interface).
  • Saved reports – saved reports provide quick access to predefined reports and allow scheduling the results to be sent to your email address.


Users are the people who can access the learn portal, take trainings, comment them, enroll to events, etc.

  • Getting started – get started with Users.
  • List – list existing users.
  • Add – add a new user to the system.
  • Profile – view the user's detailed page, and perform different actions like
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    the user.
  • Import – upload user data to the system in Excel format.
  • Groups – user groups provide easier handling of users characterized by more than one criteria. Define them by rules or by providing a list of users. Use them in assignment, permission management, etc.


Messaging allows sending training invitations to a target group, with follow-up reminders where required.

  • Getting started – get started with Messaging.
  • Workflows – messaging workflows allow sending training invitations to a target group, with follow-up reminders where required.
  • Messages – here you can find the messages you can send to users via workflows.
  • Templates – message templates can be used for creating new messages by clicking on the copy button and also sent directly to users via workflows.

Guided Training

Guided training is a type of learning that provides learners with structured support and guidance as they work through a learning activity. In the LMS this has been implemented via

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  • Getting started – get started with
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  • Checklist templates – create a
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    with the
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    that a user must complete, and assign it to the user.
  • Assigned checklists – review assigned checklists progress and approve (sign off) a checklist once it is completed.
  • Checklists needing attention – review the checklists that require your attention (not signed off yet, visible to user, etc.)


Categories are used to organize content both in the

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and in the
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Your user profile

  • User profile – Overview of user profile and authentication.